Shout-out to VaultPress

I hope that somebody other than me noticed that my website has been down for a couple of days(!) There was a rather disastrous situation on Saturday night (NZ time) where I temporarily lost everything. However, I feared not, as I use VaultPress for my backups.

"VaultPress keeps your site safe. Every post, picture, and page. Every comment, revision, and setting. Everything."

Due to some issue on my site or server I wasn't able to restore it myself as you would usually be able to do easily. I submitted an "emergency" issue but I had to wait until Tuesday morning (NZ time) for the VaultPress support to come back online! Tuesday morning came and right on cue Brian emailed me. Within about an hour he had found and fixed the problem and restored my website.

So, I must give a shout-out to VaultPress and the superb service they offer. They say they are:

"The world’s best WordPress security, backup, and support."

...and I think it might be the perfect truth. If you have a website or blog using the Wordpress platform and your data is important to you, then VaultPress is the way to go.


Preparing for education


Happy Holidays